OAuth2 Backend for WP Oauth =========================== Overview -------- A Python Social Auth backend for `WP OAuth <https://wp-oauth.com/>`_ this is customized for use with Open edX. - `Python Social Auth custom backend implentation <https://python-social-auth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backends/implementation.html>`_ - `WP Oauth Wordpress Plugin Documentation <https://wp-oauth.com/docs/>`_ Open edX Setup -------------- General Python/Django ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ include this repo in your project's requiremets.txt, or install it from the command line. .. code-block:: shell cd path/to/your/project source path/to/venv/bin/activate pip install https://github.com/StepwiseMath/wp-oauth-backend .. code-block:: yaml ADDL_INSTALLED_APPS: - "wp_oauth_backend" THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS: - "wp_oauth_backend.wp_oauth.StepwiseMathWPOAuth2" ENABLE_REQUIRE_THIRD_PARTY_AUTH: true add these settings to django.conf: .. list-table:: WP Oauth setup :widths: 50 100 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Value * - WPOAUTH_BACKEND_BASE_URL - https://stepwisemath.ai * - WPOAUTH_BACKEND_CLIENT_ID - see: https://stepwisemath.ai/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wo_manage_clients * - WPOAUTH_BACKEND_CLIENT_SECRET - see: https://stepwisemath.ai/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wo_manage_clients * - SCOPE - basic email profile * - GRANT_TYPE - Authorization Code * - REDIRECT_URI - https://web.stepwisemath.ai/auth/complete/stepwisemath-oauth Cookiecutter openedx_devops build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: shell - name: Add the wp-oauth-backend uses: openedx-actions/tutor-plugin-build-openedx-add-requirement@v1.0.0 with: repository: wp-oauth-backend repository-organization: StepwiseMath repository-ref: main repository-token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} Cookiecutter openedx_devops deployment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: shell tutor config save --set OPENEDX_WPOAUTH_BACKEND_BASE_URL="${{ secrets.WPOAUTH_BACKEND_BASE_URL }}" \ --set OPENEDX_WPOAUTH_BACKEND_CLIENT_ID="${{ secrets.WPOAUTH_BACKEND_CLIENT_ID }}" \ --set OPENEDX_WPOAUTH_BACKEND_CLIENT_SECRET="${{ secrets.WPOAUTH_BACKEND_CLIENT_SECRET }}" WP Oauth Plugin Configuration ----------------------------- This plugin enables your Open edX installation to authenticate against the WP Oauth plugin provider in https://stepwisemath.ai/, configured as follows: .. image:: doc/wp-oauth-config.png :width: 100% :alt: WP Oauth configuration page .. include:: doc/lms.log :text: